Due to its location, the archipelago of Seychelles is characterized by a tropical maritime climate, which makes it perfect conditions for a beach vacation. The weather is particularly strongly influenced by the northwest monsoon in winter and spring and by the southeast trade wind in summer and autumn. As a result, there are sometimes heavy rains during the monsoon, which are often announced not long in advance. Nevertheless, there are long periods of dry and warm weather during the winter and spring, especially in the transition periods from summer to autumn and from autumn to winter. The advantage of the location of the Seychelles is that the archipelago is largely spared from hurricanes. On the other hand, the tropical climate provides a very high humidity, which is about 80%. This often causes a few problems for guests during the first few days of their stay, but the milder temperatures, which are around 30°C at the most, make the humid climate bearable and you quickly get used to it.
The Seychelles consist of 115 smaller and larger islands, not all of which are inhabited. The cultural center and also the capital is Victoria. In many parts of the city, the legacy of the British and French colonialists can still be seen in the form of magnificent estates. The islands of Seychelles have a rich flora and fauna and many of the species are unique to the islands. Nearly half of the land area is therefore under protection, a part of the area was even included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites due to its ecological peculiarities. Some of the protected areas can be visited alone on hiking trails or with trained guides. How beautiful the landscape is, has also discovered the advertising industry, because many commercials with were shot on the white sandy beaches such as the beach Anse Source d'Argent on the island of La Digue. Not only on land there is much to discover, but also under water a unique colorful world opens up to guests. In diving courses the basics can be learned and under expert guidance also the first excursions into this underwater world can be undertaken.
From December to April, the weather is determined by the humid monsoon, although temperatures remain warm. After a downpour, there is always only a very short period of cooling and then temperatures quickly climb back up to 30°C, making for pleasant swimming weather. Wind is almost all year round in more or less intensity, only in the transition period from April to May and from November to December it is a bit calmer. On the other hand, the trade winds provide dry weather in summer, which is ideal for wind sports on the water. The warm trade winds last until September and from October to November the underwater world blossoms, which is why many divers are in the country at this time. Climatically, however, the Seychelles have little to offer in the way of variety, which makes them an attractive destination with fantastic weather, especially in the summer.