The climate year of Brazil
When you think of Brazil, you usually think of hot samba rhythms and a fantastic soccer World Cup. The country is the fifth largest on earth not only because of its population, but also in terms of area - almost half of the entire South American continent is occupied by Brazil. Accordingly, climatic conditions also differ depending on the region, with tropical to subtropical climates predominating. Both the north and the east are tropical, with only slight temperature differences during the year. In the south, however, it is much cooler due to the temperate subtropical climate, and temperatures also fluctuate greatly. The climate of the Amazon basin, on the other hand, is determined by the rainforest: Temperatures are constant at around 28 to 30 °C and humidity is extremely high. It is also very humid in the Pantanal, which regularly receives large amounts of rainfall. The coastal regions are usually very hot, but also quite dry. On the other hand, winds blow constantly.
General information about Brazil
In such a large country, there are of course numerous sights that should not be missed. Among them is of course the second largest city in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, with the Sugar Loaf Mountain and its world famous landmark Cristo Redentor. Here is also probably the most famous beach in the world, the Copacabana. Also worth a trip is the Amazon Basin, which got its name from the Amazon, the river with the most water on earth. Here are various rainforests, which provide an ideal habitat for countless rare and still unknown animals and plants. Near the Argentine border are the breathtaking Iguazú Waterfalls. This natural spectacle offers about 20 large and 255 smaller waterfalls on an area of 2.7 kilometers in diameter. One of the most beautiful Brazilian regions is the Lençois Maranhenses, the most water-rich desert on earth.
Tourism Brazil
The optimal times to travel to Brazil depend on the intended destination. The rainy season in the Amazon region falls roughly in the months of December to May, also on the northeastern coast (Maranhão, Bahia) the months between mid-December to July are rather rainy. Especially in the Amazon region there is a lot of heavy rainfall, although a visit during the rainy season can be advantageous. After all, the rain provides a little cooling in the extremely hot rainforest. The best months for a trip to the Amazon are June to October, while the coastal areas in the north are most beautiful between July and December. The south coast with Rio de Janeiro, on the other hand, tends to recommend the period between May to September. Also December to February are well suitable, however, the Brazilian school children have then vacations and accordingly expensive are the tourist offers. If you are planning a trip to Brazil, you should bear in mind that the Brazilian summer is in the winter months, which is the opposite of the European summer.